GOAL sold two CFM56-5C4 engines

GOAL German Operating Aircraft Leasing GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) sold two CFM56-5C4 engines previously under lease with SWISS International Air Lines Ltd. (Switzerland). Engine ESN 741818 was purchased by AerFin Ltd. (UK) and ESN 741585 was purchased by International Aircraft Associates Inc. (USA).

GOAL is a joint venture of KGAL GmbH & Co. KG, one of Germany’s top investment companies and a high-ranking player in the world of structured asset finance and investment participation, and Deutsche Lufthansa AG, one of the world’s premier carriers. GOAL currently owns and manages about 50 aircraft. It has a broad experience in its core business of operating leasing, technical asset management and aircraft remarketing and has proven its professional know-how since its foundation in 1998. For more information see its website at www.goal-leasing.de


GOAL German Operating Aircraft Leasing GmbH & Co. KG
Jochen Baltes
Managing Director
Phone +49 89 64143 152